Friday 24 June 2011

How To Get A Six Pack

How To Get A Six Pack

If learning how to get a six pack is something that you're interested in then you have found the right place. I will cover the two essential steps that you need to be able to uncover that hidden six pack that we all possess.

Some people believe that getting a six pack is difficult, the truth is getting a six pack is not difficult because we all have one. The difficult part comes by trying to expose it and have a visible six pack.

There are two essential things that you must do in order to be able to visibly expose the abdominal muscles. The reason that it is not visible is because they are generally hidden behind a layer of subcutaneous fat. We must remove this layer of fat in order to show our six packs off. And here is how.


You must eat a healthy diet that consists of whole foods, low in sugar and high in protein. Try and get your protein from lean meats and eggs as much as possible. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you eat because this will cause the body to start burning the fat reserves for energy because there is a lesser supply of carbohydrates which the body would otherwise burn first.


This is a given, with any body adjustments exercise is always a crucial step. I would however advise against the traditional forms of exercise usually associated with weight loss - cardio. Instead of cardio I believe resistance training and ab workouts to be more beneficial to burn fat as building muscle on the body increases the rate with which your body uses energy and thus burns the fat for this energy.

I know it seems simple but the truth is that there isn't a lot more to it than that. The difficult part is often due to a lack of motivation, or losing the desire because you are not seeing the results immediately. If I am to give you any other form of advice it would be this - Keep going, don't give up and you will see results. Achieving a six pack does not happen overnight, and you should not expect it to. This is information on how to get a six pack and I hope it has been helpful.

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